Safety Backup Collar

Simple product that could avoid a tragedy for the strong reactive dogs properly trained to walk on a prong collar.  It is well known that at possibly the worst moment the a prong collar can come apart. 

Here is a simple inexpensive fix! A short tab, approximately 7″ in length, 1/2″ wide known as a backup tab. Nothing fancy, no embroidery, just a simple tab for safety. Attach the “D” ring to your leash and the swivel hook to your ID collar (sold separately here!).

Now you know your dog will always safely be attached to the leash no matter what happens!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or design ideas!


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Safety Backup Collar



Safety Backup Collar

Simple product that could avoid a tragedy for the strong reactive dogs properly trained to walk on a prong collar.  It is well known that at possibly the worst moment the a prong collar can come apart. 

Here is a simple inexpensive fix! A short tab, approximately 7″ in length, 1/2″ wide known as a backup tab. Nothing fancy, no embroidery, just a simple tab for safety. Attach the “D” ring to your leash and the swivel hook to your ID collar (sold separately here!).

Now you know your dog will always safely be attached to the leash no matter what happens!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or design ideas!


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